Sunday, October 24, 2010

Case Miners ¿Reality Show?

The case of the miners was a fact full of emotions. First, sadness and disappointment that there are certain works that put in constant risk the life of the persons and that there is no legislation that protects them and if it is that there is this one it is not fulfilled on the part of the employers.
Second, happiness and hope that in spite of the difficulties, 33 miners are alive and nice.
But the problem is when these facts are used politically and the negligences are converted more " reality show " that an occasion to think about of safety in the work and of the responsibilities that must exist.

The case of the miners served so much of political propaganda in case of the figure of the Secretary Golbourne who reached great popularity, since of strategy of advertising for several companies. At only hours that there was emerging from 700 meters of depth the first test of life of the workers, already some brands were throwing campaigns of support " being hung " of the news. From insertions to complete page in the diaries, to messages in the social networks and even "enterprising" that created allusive products.
In the press, Falabella published " a greeting hope for 33 miners and his families ", while La Caja Los Heroes emphasized his slogan " now more than never, above the desires of living ", refiriéndose to the miners. More Pizza while it organized two contests for his followers in the social networks in honor to the milestone, and Sushi House promised for Twitter a free year of his products for every miner who should go out.

The ingenuity of the politician takes root in the naiveté of the people.

Looking for the truth..

I found an article in "The Guardian" about Irak war logs that Obama must investigate according to UN envoy. Is interesting and important that exist instances of claim opposite to possible violations to the human rights. 

The article says that "there are 400.000 documents released by the website WikiLeaks in the biggest leak in US military history, showing the disturbing relationship between US and Iraqi forces. They have fostered suspicions that US forces handed over detainees to their Iraqi counterparts knowing there was a risk they were going to be tortured or killed". And though according to Manfred Nowak it isn’t an obligation that the States reveal the crimes of torture and murder, but Obama's administration has considered to reveal and to look for the truth about of acts against to the human rights.
In the since of 90' the military strategy of USA has been based in attack the terrorism and the countries of the “Eje del Mal”. This has been the excuse to numerous interventions countries militarily with the justification of restoring the peace and the order.
Nevertheless, is it possible to reach the peace and the order at the cost of tortures and multiple crimes? Undoubtedly, the response is negative.
Nowadays, in multiple countries there develop projects in which the UNO is simulated for school and university level that where they treat on the promotion of the human rights. Nevertheless these efforts must be led to royal level both in the leaders and in the society.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Santiago City

One of the places that I  most like is Providencia, because its  squares and the Principal Street are very nice, clear and calm. When I want to relax, to think and to read a good book, I go for there.
Other place I like very much is San Cristobal hill. I can catch the Funicular San Cristobal that ascends up to Terraza Bellavista, and I can see wide part of the city. Also, I like visit the Metropolitan Zoo and a Japanese-style garden that I think is very small. It has a wide variety of details really beautiful. It's necessary to stay all day for to walk and all the hill.

Definitely, the place that represent a wide part of my life is in the town of Maipu, because I ate ice with my friends while we chating. Other place  I like so much is The park of "3 Poniente", because I always meet with my school friends after classes. The high school was the best places where I had fun and I knew persons who helped me very much.

Nowadays, my favorite place is a Literary Coffee located in Bustamante Park.