Thursday, September 30, 2010

The secret of their eyes

The secret of their eyes is a movie that won the Oscar for Best foreign Film of 2009. Director Juan Jose Campanella is an argentine scriptwriter that nowadays directs mostly TV series for American audiences (among them, House, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Law & Order: Criminal Intent and 30 Rock).

This is one of my favorite movies, principally because he speaks about the passions that move our life..
This is reflected in the following quotation:
“He can change everything, his face, his home, his family, his girlfriends, his religion, his God, but there is a thing that cannot change: cannot change of passion”.
Each character hides a passion, and its passion is in turn revealed in their eyes, in the different scenes of the movie.

The passion of Sandoval for alcohol, when he looks at the glass with his eyes lost. The passion of Esposito for Irene, when they wear looking at Gomez's eyes in the photos, and he said...”the eyes tell of more..”                              
Irene’s passion for Esposito is evident when her eyes always shout at him that she love him. The passion of Morales for his idyllic love snatched; and Goméz's  passion for Racing.
 But also, the movie shows that obsessions are similar to passions, however they   aren't quite the same. Obsessions make us do things that we never thought  we could do. Examples of these are: Esposito's obsession with solving Morales's case and to write a novela about it, Gomez's obssesion with Lilliana Colotto, and Morales's obsession is to make Gomez to pays for his crime. Indeed, it is a very intense movie...

Like each character in the movie, I surmise that everybody have their own secrets. However, what many people do not realize is that their most private o intimate secrets may become public through the shining of their eyes. Since I'm well aware of this fact I try my best to avoid embarrassing situations, yet, I have to concede that this is not always possible, because it is of the essence of passions that they cannot be neither hided nor negated. If someone would ask me what are my passions and obsessions, I would say to him o to her  that the answer is the secret of MY EYES..

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Racial hybridization and discrimination Mapuche

The different indigenous groups in Latin America, from Mexico to Chile, are frequently supposed to be ethnically homogeneous. However there is growing evidence that most of them are in fact considerably heterogeneous. This phenomenon has been study by professor Garcia Canclini, a well known anthropologist currently living in Mexico, who has devoted many years to study what he has called “racial hybridization”.
This denomination is used in order to describe a social and demographic process of interaction among people from many different racial origins. This means that large groups in the population seem to belong to the same “original ethnic groups” even though just a small percentage of them comply with that condition. This is precisely what professor Villalobos argue with regard to the Mapuches in Chile. In the article in "El Mercurio" (30 August, 2009), he says that only 9,7% describe themselves as member of that ethnic group. Besides, according with the same source, 84% do not speak the original language (Mapudungun).  However in Chile, it is well known that the Mapuches have been discriminated against,   since the times of the colony  ¿Should believe that such discrimination have affected only to the above mentioned 9,7 %?

I believe that discrimination is an structural social characteristic in our country. Often,  we discriminate according to the socioeconomic level, physical features, surnames, sexual condition, language, etc. The list is long.

The Mapuche people have been historically discriminated against due to their language, physical features, surnames and other characteristics. The current conflict in the south reflects an historical struggle  of the Mapuches to recover  the land that the "wincas" snatched from them early in the Chilean history. However,   the main reason for the current hunger strike has to do we the use of the Terrorism bill on  the part of the Chilean government against the Mapuche leaders. Evidently this represent a new type discrimination because the legal consequences of this very peculiar statute isn't been used against the rest of the chilean population. 

"All animals are equal...but some animals are more equal than other" (Orwell, 1945)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I want to go Ireland!

I would like to travel to Ireland. Especially because is a country with very charming landscapes green, has forty different shades of landscapes...really beautiful!
Besides this feature Ireland  has all a medieval environment, an example of this are the many castles and cathedrals symbolizing the history of this place, as the Christ Church Cathedral that was built for the Vikings in 1038 or the walls that once surrounded the Dublin City until Cook Street.

The first thing I'd like to do is to participate in the numerous music festivals, dance and theater that are realized all year. For example, in Randalstown's small settlement, in Northern Ireland, there is celebrated one of the most important Irish festivals of the world; here  there are realized fairs, spectacles, recreations of battles, and activities outdoors. I like that these traditions remain!

 The secondly I would like to go cycling through the Shannon Bridge, it was fortified by the British in the time of Napoleón and it seems to be a gorgeus  place and relaxing, because it possesses a great variety of flora and fauna.

And finally, I would like to study there for some time to improve my English and to learn about Irish culture and its traditions. What can be best?